The Fastest Dog Breed: The Greyhound

 The Fastest Dog Breed: The Greyhound

There is no breed of dog that can outrun a Greyhound. Dubbed the "Ferrari of dogs", Greyhounds have been bred over the past centuries to attain extraordinary speed and agility, largely for hunting purposes but now mostly for racing. Sleek, aerodynamic bodies, powerful legs, and deep chests have made them build-for-purpose machines with the sole aim of running fast.

Anatomy of Speed

The Greyhound's body is anatomically built for sprinting. They have large, long muscles, which enable them to generate good force in sudden activity, and their spines flex to allow them to stretch out wholly when in a run, hence covering more distance on the ground with each stride. Besides, the breed also owns a particular run called a "double suspension gallop," which means that all four feet are off the ground twice in every stride cycle, hence attaining their full speed.

How Fast Can a Greyhound Run?

Greyhounds are genuinely wonders in running, able to push their way up to 45 miles per hour. To better put it into perspective, the average horse's speed in a full gallop is about 30 to 40 miles an hour, so most horses are easily outrun by a Greyhound in short sprints.

Greyhound History

Greyhounds were first bred over 4,000 years ago in ancient Egypt, where they were considered to be of great value because of their natural hunting ability. It was in ancient Egypt that one could realize their potential for speed when chasing deer and hares for game. In the modern age, Greyhounds made their claim to fame through participating in dog racing, a sport that puts their amazing speed and agility on full display.

Other Fast Dog Breeds

While Greyhounds hold this title for the fastest dog breed, there are quite a few breeds that have impeccable speed. For example:


 Known by the nickname "Royal Dog of Egypt," the Saluki reaches a speed of up to 42 miles per hour, equal to 68 kilometers per hour. Much like Greyhounds, Salukis were bred for hunting purposes across the Middle East deserts.


Referred to by some as the "poor man's Greyhound," this breed can reach 35 miles per hour. It is smaller in size than a Greyhound, but it's agile and very fast over short distances.

Afghan Hound: 

With their long, flowy coats, Afghan Hounds can run at 40 miles per hour. They have been bred in the mountains of Afghanistan for hunting.


This Hungarian hunting dog has an approximate speed of 40 miles per hour. The Vizslas are all-round dogs in terms of speed and stamina.

 The Future of Greyhounds

For all of the popularity it has accrued over the years, Greyhound racing has suffered the sharp severance of public intolerance due to its association with cruelty to animals. Greyhounds are now consistently entering a new phase in their lives: as companions. Greyhounds, though labeled racing dogs, actually prove to be tender, affectionate, and very lazy; they often sleep on couches for hours after a small, sizzling flash of play.

The Greyhound holds undisputed first place for being the fastest dog breed in the world, due to its great speed, rich history, and some striking physical characteristics. May it be their awesome racing records or just the vision of a greyhound sprinting across a field, Greyhounds are really a class apart.

The Fastest Dog Breed: The Greyhound The Fastest Dog Breed: The Greyhound Reviewed by Loveurdog on August 24, 2024 Rating: 5

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